For the last 18 years, I’ve been answering the multitude of questions for do-it-your-selfers and…

Finding a Green Solution for Concrete Floor Cleaning
Green solutions for concrete floor cleaning can be challenging to find. Most contain heavy chemicals that are harmful to employees, family members, and the environment. Concrete is an excellent solution for many, as it offers easy maintenance, but it doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. Cleaning concrete in the past was a chore, but with technological advancements right here in the United States, there’s a more efficient way to get the grime, grease, and oil out of concrete floors everywhere.
Can a Green Option for Concrete Floor Cleaning Work Efficiently?
Choosing to go green is a choice CoverTec makes every day. Their state of the art products offers extreme durability and easy installations, without sacrificing their beliefs. Concrete has small pores that can act as a sponge. While soaking in liquids left, and right, it’s no wonder the surface can become unrecognizable over time. Most cleaners have a difficult time getting in-between the cracks of concrete, while CoverTec’s technology offers microbial products. Cleaning and restoring can now take place on a minuscule level, collecting every ounce of dirt, oil, and other stains.
Many individuals wonder if a green cleaning product is as efficient as a cleaner full of chemicals. According to CoverTec, their product is non-hazardous, leaves no residue, is fast acting, meets all the USDA requirements, and cleans all types of surfaces. Its dual use allows for cleaning surfaces such as walls, countertops, driveways, parking lots, and more. With so many incredible benefits, it’s easy to see why they have so many raving reviews. A team of scientists and engineers work to provide homeowners and business owners with affordable options and incredible results. If you’re looking for an effective, green solution for your concrete floor cleaning, visit CoverTec’s website at It’s time to give your worn floor the revamping it deserves.